Hey There, Welcome to Greater Profession!

Thanks for taking the time to visit us here at Greater Profession. Greater Profession is a resource that’s designed to help people land and grow their careers in tech so that they can have more fulfilling lives.

With our actionable career education resources we will provide you with everything that you need to land and grow that dream career of yours in tech.

So if you’re ready to make the trek on this great career journey of yours, look at our other resources like our courses or service offerings if you need a more tailored approach to meet your career goals.

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My Beginnings

Back when I was in college late 2018, I was both struggling to pay rent and directionless with my life as I wasn’t attending any of my classes and failing all of them at that point.

Really at that point in time had nothing to look forward to as I was doing pretty much nothing since I had no inspiration or anything. But then late one night after giving it some hard and long thought, I decided that I was done with being a nobody and was going to try to pursue my dream, which was to join a tech startup.

This was pretty much all I could think about as I had hopes, dreams and ambitions of joining one of these glorious tech startups that I have been reading about for sometime. But then I ran into a major issue, I had no experience, no college degree (really bad GPA), and no connections. Which after looking at most of the job listings at that time, all of them stated that they required degrees and experience.

But this did not deter me, as I did not have anything going on so if I failed nothing would happen as I would be back at square one. With this journey I took, I ended up applying to 137 jobs and was rejected by almost all of them accept for one company, Outreach.io which took a chance on me to become an SDR at the young age of 20 even with the circumstances that I stated above.

During this time, I gained really valuable insights about the challenges that young people have when it comes to both Job Hunting and Career Growth, thus inspiring me to start Greater Profession. And by establishing this resource for young people I hope to help them not only land and grow their careers in tech, but to provide young people with a way to gain both fulfillment and happiness out of their lives, as we do spend most of our living time working. Which leads us to the “Why” behind Greater Profession.

The Why

The main reason why we’re here is because we honestly believe that young people can and will shape the next generation of work. But we also understand the challenges that young people face in today’s job market from mass layoffs, being underpaid to gender, racial, and age bias’s that can hold young people back from really making an impact at work.

Which is why here at Greater Profession we want to step up and help solve for those challenges so that young people no matter what their backgrounds, experience or circumstances are, can have the opportunity to shape both the future of work and society. As the boomers and older generation retires it will be up to us young people to transform the future of work.

Meet The Team

Nick Niles
