Why Are Cover Letters Important?


When it comes to applying for jobs, cover letters are one of the most important documents you could ever submit in your job search process.

While resumes and CVs are great, they are just that — resumés and CVs.

Cover letters however, show potential employers why you’re the best fit for the job as they provide more in depth details about you and your achievements.

Additionally, cover letters are also a selling tool that you can use to market yourself just like resumes.

Which is why they’re so important. Cover Letters separate you from other job candidates as they help sell your value and enhance your resume.

In this blog post, I will go over some vital information about cover letters, such as:

  • why they’re important 

  • when to submit and not submit a cover letter

  • and the benefits of submitting a cover letter.

But first, let’s explain what a cover letter is.

What is a Cover Letter?

A cover letter is a one-page document you submit with your job application alongside your resume.

They explain who you are, what you’ve achieved, and why you’re a fit for the role and the company.

Furthermore, a cover letter can also supplement and enhance your resume as it explains how you can add value.

Because of the above, if done well, these letters can help you break through the noise as a job applicant and put you on the fast track to landing a job.

And now that we’ve went over what a cover letter is, let’s talk about when you should submit one.

When to Submit a Cover Letter

In most cases, even if the employer doesn’t read your cover letter, you should still submit one.

The reason for this is, there are many other job candidates going after the job you’re applying for.

And if you don’t submit the cover letter, you may be one of the few candidates that didn’t go the extra mile.

Which may cause your application not to get chosen, as employers may prefer to select those candidates who went the extra mile.

So don’t be lazy, as it’s worth the time and effort to ensure your app doesn’t get left out.

Additionally, when filling out most job applications, employers will make a cover letter either required or optional depending on their preferences.

But don’t fall into the trap of laziness, as submitting a cover letter is a test to see who really wants the job and who’s just looking for any job.

So to answer the question above, when should you submit a cover letter? When the app or hiring manager either requires it or makes it optional.

Either way, if you see one of those options, you’re better off submitting a cover letter.

Job Application Example of an Employer Requiring a Cover Letter

When Not to Submit a Cover Letter

Most of the time, you do want to submit a cover letter. But sometimes, in rare cases, there are times when a cover letter may not be required.

The reason for that is, some employers may not emphasize them, so they skip over them entirely.

So, suppose the employer explicitly says that they don’t want a cover letter, or the job application does not have a box where you can upload the cover letter.

In that case, you’re clear, as you don’t have to submit one.

Or, if you’re not a strong writer and need more confidence in your writing skills, you’re better off leaving it.

That is, until you can become a better writer or have someone who can write it for you.

And of course, if you need someone to help you write your Cover Letter, Greater Profession is always here to help as we can write it for you.

Just go to our Services page and book an intake meeting with us to get started.

Why are Cover Letters Important?

Now that you know what a cover letter is and when to submit and not submit one, we can finally answer the question, why are cover letters important?

Knowing that some employers will not read your cover letter doesn’t mean it has no importance.

Take this 2017 Study from Jobvite as 26% of recruiters and hiring managers consider cover letters essential in their decision to hire applicants.

This is why they’re critical; a quarter of the time, cover letters are considered in the hiring decision-making process.

But just in case you don’t believe that stat, Sage Journals also states that 56% of employers prefer you submit a cover letter.

So consider this if you were to apply for 100 jobs:

  • 56 employers want you to submit that cover letter

  • Of those 56, if you make it to the final stages of the hiring process, 15 of those employers will use your cover letter to aid them in their decision-making process of who to hire

So, if you don’t submit a cover letter, you could most likely lose out on those 15 jobs as you don’t have a cover letter to support your app.

Which shows that employers do actually care about them!

But if you need additional reasons to understand why cover letters are important, keep reading.

Reasons Why Cover Letters Are Important

There are many reasons why cover letters are important. Still, to shorten it down for you, cover letters are essential for other reasons such as:

  • As stated earlier, employers sometimes require cover letters 

  • Cover letters also serve as an introduction to your future employer

  • Cover letters enhance your resume

  • Cover letters show why you’re a fit for the role

  • Cover letters separate you from other job candidates

Understanding these additional reasons should serve as motivation for you to create a cover letter.

Just look at what you can achieve with them if you take the time to create one.

So now that you’re aware of the other reasons why cover letters are crucial, let’s break these down individually.

Employers Sometimes Require Cover Letters

As we discussed earlier, employers require cover letters from time to time.

If it’s on the job application, then assume that the cover letter is an important piece of your job application.

Even if the employer doesn’t read the cover letter, do you want to miss out on getting a job?

And risk losing that job to someone who took 30 more minutes to create one?

Additionally, your employers may look at the cover letter as a sign of your desire to work there.

Cover letters show you’re willing to do the extra work to be a part of their organization.

By submitting a cover letter, you gain certain competitive advantages over applicants that don’t submit one, as a quarter of the time, cover letters weigh in on the employer’s hiring decision.

Cover Letters Introduce you to the Employer

Another reason why cover letters are important is they serve as a great introduction to your employer.

Unlike with a resume, you can take the time to introduce yourself and show off your personality to an employer.

Furthermore, if you write a great cover letter, it can hook the employer in as to why you’re a great candidate.

These letters also help with building a great first impression, as you can excite the employer with your letter.

Cover letters allow you to do this as you can showcase your accomplishments and experience to build excitement around your application.

Like the resume, the cover letter can be an excellent marketing tool that gets you off to a great start if you’re able to introduce yourself properly to an employer.

Cover Letters Enhance Your Resume

As we alluded to in the previous section, cover letters enhance your resume.

Suppose you have a great cover letter introduction and ensure you detail your past experiences and results. In that case, this will make the employer want to look at your resume.

According to a ResumeLab study, 47% of hiring decision-makers agree that cover letters are important for spotlighting an applicant’s professional achievements. 

Knowing this, you can use your cover letter to highlight your achievements to get the employer to look at your resume at the very least.

So if you write your cover letter well, it will make your resume look even better as you’ll have more detailed results and achievements to share on your resume.

Cover Letters Show Why You’re a Fit for the Role

Another reason why cover letters are essential is that they can highlight why you fit the role. Suppose you’ve done an excellent job explaining your achievements and results.

In that case, it can tell an employer how you can add value to the role and the company.

When you write your cover letter, you also have the opportunity to show off your writing skills and attention to detail.

This further impresses employers as they place a high emphasis on both written communication and listening skills.

And with these letters, they provide ample opportunity for you to explain why you fit the role and your motivations for why you want to be a part of their organization, unlike what a resume offers.

Cover Letters Separate You from the Other Job Candidates

The last reason why cover letters are critical is that they separate you from other candidates that applied.

According to that 2017 Jobvite Study, 47% of job seekers do not submit a cover letter with their most recent application.

That is 47% of people! Just imagine how many people get weeded out of the process due to that one blunder.

This provides a massive opportunity for you to separate yourself from those other candidates, which betters your odds of landing a job.

Moreover, suppose you do send a cover letter. In that case, you also have the opportunity to impress your future employer.

And if you do manage to impress that employer, that great first impression can help you later on in the interview process.


By now, I hope you understand the importance of a cover letter and what it can do for you.

To summarize, cover letters can benefit you in many ways, such as:

  • Helping you meet the job application requirements

  • Allowing you to introduce yourself and impress your future employer

  • Highlighting why you’re a fit for the role and separating yourself from other candidates

Any many other benefits.

Furthermore, you also learned what they are and when and when not to submit them.

Now that you have an introduction to cover letters and their importance, let’s start the process of creating one by learning How to Format a Cover Letter!

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