Why Are Resumes Important?

Why are resumes Important? This is a question that I see on the internet being asked by tons of job seekers.

Usually, people ask this question because they’ve never made a resume before since they’ve worked jobs that didn’t require them.

Or, it’s because the people wondering about the importance of a resume are just starting off in their career journeys, and they now need one for the jobs they’re applying for.

Whatever the case, we need to get something straight; resumes are important. But I’m sure, like others, you came to this post for answers. So let me summarize for you really quickly why resumes are needed.

The main reason why resumes are essential is that employers require a resume to start the hiring process.

Additionally, you also need a resume as it helps you market yourself as a viable candidate for the job. Ultimately getting you closer to landing your dream career in tech.

Most employers prefer that you have a resume no matter what job you’re applying for. Even if you’re a first-time job hunter with only some volunteer experience and a high school diploma, everyone should have a resume according to Bizfluent.

So let’s break down why resumes are important and what they help you with during the job-hunting process.

Picture of a resume

Most Employers Require You To Submit a Resume To Start The Process

The first reason why resumes are important is because most employers require a resume from you to start the hiring process.

Resumes are important in this aspect because, without a resume, you wouldn’t even have a shot at landing your dream job as they’re looking at other candidates too.

Additionally, your future employer will need a resume from you because it serves as an introduction to who you are and what value you can bring to their organization.

According to leading job board provider Indeed, they also state that a resume serves as an introduction to your future employer. Allowing you to jumpstart the interview process while gaining the attention of your prospective employer.

Which leads us to the next point…

Resumes Help You Gain The Attention of the Decision Maker

After you’ve submitted your resume, you will need to understand what it will do for you. And the first thing your resume should do for you is it should gain the attention of the decision-maker.

This is another crucial reason why resumes are essential. With a great resume, you have a shot at impressing your future employers which can give you the competitive advantage over other candidates.

Furthermore, Stevenson University states that the sole purpose of a resume is to help you land that interview while giving your employer a feel for your past experiences and skills.

Which emphasizes the importance of a resume and what it can do for you in the hiring process.

(Shameless plug here, but if you need help making a great resume that will impress future employers; take a look at our Services Page as we can help)

But if that’s not enough for you, keep reading to see other reasons why resumes are essential.

Human resources lady going through job candidates

Resumes Help You Sell Yourself During The Interview

Now comes the most critical part of the job-hunting process, the interview. And yes, your interviewers will ask for a resume to get a feel for who you are as a candidate.

After interviewing many people in my career, I can’t stress enough how vital a resume is. Resumes help interviewers like your future employers decide on who to hire.

This means your resume can serve as excellent marketing material to help convince future employers why they should hire you.

Additionally, if you have kept track of your past accomplishments, it should quickly convey the value you bring to companies.

Thus, making it easier on your future employers when they decide to hire you.

As GCF Global says, a resume can be used before an interview to help you prepare your answers to questions you’re expecting. Furthermore, resumes can also help you during the interview by giving you a way to direct the flow of questions and the conversation.

With this, your resume gives you control over the interview while helping you market yourself to land the job.

Resumes Help You Land The Job

The last and final reason why a resume is so important is that it can help you land the job. And as we said before, resumes help you market yourself to convince employers that you’re a fit for their organization.

But what about after the interview? What happens if you bomb the interview and you need that final push to convince employers that you’re the one for the job?

Well, that’s what a resume is there for; it reinforces why you’re the best person for the job. And with that resume, your future employer has something tangible to hold onto just in case they need it.

Skillroads also mentions in their article that a strong resume can help a poor interview as experience on a resume tells all. 

So, no worries if your future employer is second-guessing on hiring you, your resume is there to help ease their minds. As we all know, there’s no disputing the facts on your resume if you told the truth. 

Coworkers all joined together


To summarize, you now know why resumes are essential for the job search and hiring process. From the benefits that you get from creating a resume, it should be clear as to why you need one.

And with this resume, you’ll be one step closer to landing that dream career in tech.

Now that you have all the information about how important resumes are, why don’t you move on to the next step.

Which is learning how to format a resume and the templates you should use to create one!

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